A local coalition is continuing to protest the North Brooklyn Pipeline. (Via No North Brooklyn Pipeline)

The protest will continue on Saturday over the construction of the North Brooklyn Pipeline from National Grid to bring additional natural gas infrastructure through the neighborhood.

Construction on the pipeline briefly halted during the initial coronavirus outbreak and has since resumed making its way toward Greenpoint.

Organizers of the No North Brooklyn Pipeline campaign include the Sane Energy Project and North Brooklyn Extinction Rebellion, who have led a coalition of residents, activists and local elected officials in opposition to the fossil fuel project since last year.

The rally is scheduled for Saturday at 11 a.m, with a start point at Moore Street and Graham Avenue continuing along some of the pipeline route. More from the organizers:

National Grid is speeding up construction trying to rush the pipeline through and further justify a proposed expansion of their Greenpoint fracked gas depot where they have plans to connect this pipeline to new liquefied fracked gas vaporizers. National Grid not only ignores community opposition, but over 10,000 public comments filed against fracked gas expansion. And worst of all they want to raise our bills to pay for it all.

We need to show up and tell National Grid and decision-makers like Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio who have been sitting quietly on the sidelines of this fight exactly what the community demands.

We say no rate hikes on the backs of those who can afford it the least!

We say no pipeline through mostly Black and Brown communities!

We say no no fracked gas expansion in communities that have suffered decades of environmental pollution!”


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