Brooklyn Community Board 1’s combined SLA and public safety committees will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday (5/26) at 6:30 p.m.
The agenda for the combined meeting is posted on the CB1 website, and virtual attendees can access the meeting here via Cisco Webex (password: pwTV9r9gbM2).
You can also join the meeting by phone by dialing 2+1-646-992-2010 0r +1-408-418-9388 access code: 718 064 380:
1. Members’ status and response to “stay-at-home”
2. Status of Committee(s) responsibilities.
3. Member observation and input on response to COVID19 pandemic:
(A.) NYPD Concerns-Community-Housing-Transit
(B.) H&HC Concerns (Woodhull Community Affairs)
(C.) DV Services
(D.) Homeless Services
 5. Committee input on reopening plans.
-Open Streets (Current & proposed)
-Outdoor sidewalk & street use for Restaurants/Bars
-Homeless Outreach & Services