April 1st is Census Day

Today is officially Census Day, “the nation’s once-per-decade, constitutionally-mandated count of every American, regardless of their citizenship status,” and it has never been more important to get counted as Kings County the lowest response rate for a county of its size in 2010.

The Census helps to determine how much federal funding localities will receive for infrastructure, public schools and housing and many other important programs.

You have likely received a Census 2020 form in the mail by now, but the Census can also be completed at: my2020census.gov. Remember to count everyone who is living in your house or apartment (except for temporary guests who should be counted at their primary residence).

If New York is undercounted this year the state could loose two seats in Congress.

Via the Brooklyn Public Library:

In 2010, Kings County, NY (Brooklyn) had the lowest response rate of any county nationwide with a population of over 500,000 – fully 33% of households did not mail back their forms. A number of demographic qualities make Brooklyn “hard to count” and predispose it to an undercount. An undercount could potentially mean over $1 billion in reduced federal funding for New York City each year for the next decade (until the 2030 Census).

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  1. Many of my senior friends who don’t have computers have received three, four mailings telling them the census is coming. As of yet it hasn’t come in the mail but they are told to go to the computer to register which they don’t have.

    Typical red tape gov’t bureaucracy.

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