
File this one under doomsday prep: as we announced previously, the MTA is shutting down the L train every single weekend in October between Eighth Avenue and Broadway Junction (the train will run between Broadway Junction and Canarsie). The severe pain-in-the-train begins on Friday nights at 11:30pm and lasts until 5am Monday morning. If you get desperate, there will be shuttle buses along the train line. Signs will be posted at affected stations and subway and bus routes, and NYC Transit staff will also be available at select stations to answer questions and provide information.

C’mon ride that train—or, don’t—the MTA has just announced larger ferry boats (thank GOD) during the L-train shutdown, and a new route that will go between Williamsburg and Stuyvesant Cove. According to Curbed, “Transit officials are working to upgrade to boats that could accommodate as many as 240 passengers at a time,” and they are slated to “deploy three ferry boats per hour on the new route during peak hours, instead of the two that was originally planned, which will allow for more than 1,200 commuters to make their way between Brooklyn and Manhattan during morning and evening rush hours.” Is it enough to accommodate the daily 300k L-train riders? Hell no, but at least it’s something.

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