Pastor Amy in front of the Park Church Co-Op on Russell Street.
Pastor Amy in front of the Park Church Co-Op on Russell Street.

If you’ve ever been to a dance party, a concert, a reading, or a farmers market in Greenpoint, chances are you’ve been to the Park Church Co-op at 129 Russell Street. Greenpoint’s coolest church has been leading cultural venue as well as a space of spirituality and worship since it began its mission as a New Start Ministry in 2015. Now, the church is soliciting donations to continue its work.

Earlier this year, the Co-op was slated to lose funding from the Lutheran Church in America and shut its doors. Thankfully, the Church was granted a reprieve to continue operating til the end of 2018. With that deadline approaching, The Park Church Co-op has launched a campaign “designed to increase the number of worshipers attending Sunday services as well as to generate more giving from the community-at-large to continue and expand the church’s outreach programs.” The goal is for the Park Church Co-op to be fully self-sustaining through donations by the end of 2018. 

Pastor Amy Kienzle, who has led the church since 2015, explains that by the end of the year, the church must show “that we can sustain ourselves with both people and money, without needing as much funding from the larger Lutheran organizations.” She adds, “This is a challenge that I feel confident we will meet but our efforts are dependent on all church members and our partners in the community.”

That community feeling reflects the Co-op’s dedication to “radical openness.” Pastor Amy seeks to  “create a place where our neighbors feel welcome to come and explore life and faith in new and creative ways.” One way to do that is at Sunday morning services. Sunday Services at 11am currently draw 25-30 people. The Church hopes to increase that number to 50 over the summer.

To keep the “radically open” church actually open, the campaign encourages monthly donations from $5-$100, with thank-you’s at each level of giving. You can also make a yearly donation, or a one-time pledge.

Here’s the perks for a monthly membership:

Reward: Park Church Sticker
Benefit: None
Reward: Park Church Sticker
Benefit: 2 Free Guest Passes to an Ad Hoc show
Reward: Park Church Sticker
Benefit: 4 Free Guest Passes to Ad Hoc Shows
Reward: Park Church Sticker and T shirt
Benefit: 4 Free Guest Passes to Ad Hoc Shows, Use of the Park Church Space for one three-hour
event per year (following the Park Church Terms and Conditions)
Reward: Park Church Sticker, T Shirt and Tote Bag
Benefit: 4 free guest passes to Ad Hoc Shows, Use of the Park Church Space for one
three-hour event per year (following the Park Church Terms and Conditions), 1 free Music
Lesson with Teacup Music
Reward: Park Church Sticker, T Shirt and Tote Bag
Benefit:4 free guest passes to Ad Hoc Shows, Use of the Park Church Space for 12 Hours per
year (following the Park Church Terms and Conditions), 1 free Music Lesson with Teacup Music.

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