This morning, students, teachers and local politicians and community members gathered to celebrate P.S. 34’s brand new Green STEM Lab and Hydroponic Garden.
But it’s not just plant life that’s thriving in Greenpoint. A 46-year old Greenpoint resident was mistakenly declared dead by the Social Security Administration last fall, when in fact she is alive and well. She is in the midst of making the federal government aware of this fact. According to ABC news, the SSA will send out a letter informing her of her “resurrection” once they update their files.
And speaking of rising again: The New York State Department of Transportation has unveiled its plans for the next stage of construction of the New Kosciuszko Bridge. The DOT expects the final section of the span to be completed in 2019 or 2020.
But not all development is similarly on track: A multi-million dollar industrial real estate deal on in queens adjacent to Newtown Creek has fallen through.