The Park Church Co-op (129 Russell Street) is one of Greenpoint’s most remarkable spaces. It’s not only a church, but also a wintertime home for the farmer’s market, a temporary replacement for the Greenpoint Library, a performance space, a moviehouse, a place for kids to take music lessons, an indispensable community center, and more. A few months ago, we profiled hardworking Pastor Amy Kienzle, who is absolutely dedicated to seeing it remain a vital part of our neighborhood. And now, the church has launched their first ever fundraising campaign to keep the programming going and doors open.

You may not know that The Park Church Co-Op is funded by a grant on a 3-year cycle, which ends next year. They are asking for community financial support, whether it’s a regular monthly donation or a one-time donation. “We look forward to continuing to be a space where everyone feels welcome,” says Pastor Amy in the above video. Read more below on how you can donate to this essential Greenpoint hub for individuals, families, artists, musicians and neighbors.

Via Park Church Co-Op:

If you’d like to see PCC remain a place for the community, we ask you to consider what financial gift is within your budget. A monthly contribution builds our membership and shows the larger grant funders that we have the dedicated support of our community. Giving $20/month is just 60 cents per day, less than your daily cup of coffee, but the impact for us is immense. Even a one time donation of $500, $250 or $25 helps show your commitment. You can find the link to donate your contribution on our website. Click “Make this a Monthly Donation”  to make your contribution recurring.

Donations are tax deductible. We thank you for your time and your support to help us serve the community for many years to come.

Pastor Amy in front of the Park Church Co-Op on Russell Street.
Pastor Amy in front of the Park Church Co-Op on Russell Street. Photo by Ian Hartsoe

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