You ever hear someone brag about how easy it was for them to read through all the fine print in their apartment insurance policy?
Yeah, neither have we. That’s why an insurance broker can help — especially if you own a condo or co-op. Here are three things about these policies that might surprise you.
1. If your child is away for college, did you know that their belongings may be covered under your policy?
Gotham says: It’s true. Usually on-campus housing is covered by your co-op insurance — although off-campus is often not.
2. You’ll need a special policy to insure items such as jewelry, fur, and silverware. Extensive artwork collections might warrant a special policy, too.
Gotham says: An agent will typically ask about jewelry or fur, but often things like baseball card, comic book, and stamp collections may not come up in conversation — nor do guns, $15,000 bicycles, and first editions.
Contact Gotham for a free quote today.