When it comes to apartment insurance, a steady and experienced hand knows the right questions to ask. Here are a couple situations when it can make all the difference — especially when you need apartment insurance in a New York minute.

1) It’s renovation time. You’ve hired a contractor to work on your co-op, and you’ve gotten the green light from the board. Now you need proof of co-op insurance — but you let it lapse.

Gotham says: With 50 years of experience in New York City, Gotham can quickly determine what kind of policy will cover you, based on the type of renovation you’re doing.

2) At the closing table. You’re closing on the purchase of a co-op or condo, but you forgot about apartment insurance — or thought the building’s insurance was all the coverage you’d need.

Gotham says: Condos and co-ops require apartment insurance. The policy that comes with the co-op usually only covers the building and common areas. You’ll need your own apartment insurance to cover losses such as theft, smoke damage, etc.

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