Bushwick Inlet Park siteCan you make a 311 call and Tweet DeBlasio @NYCMayor today? Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park is organizing a Twitter Storm at 12pm!

After many months of nonstop activism to try to get the city to acquire the CitiStorage site—the last piece to complete Bushwick Inlet Park—it looks like the city and the owner of the property are close to reaching a negotiated deal. But they are only “close” and time is genuinely running out.

From Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park:
We have been relatively quiet recently to let them work things out but now MAYOR DEBLASIO NEEDS TO HEAR FROM ALL OF US (ALL AT ONCE PREFERABLY).

We need to tell him to: 
CLOSE the CitiStorage deal and deliver the FULL 27 Acre Bushwick Inlet Park NOW! Let’s all engage in a
“Twitter-Storm” and/or 311 call-in from 12 noon- 2 p.m. today, Thursday, October 27.
A flurry of activity will maximize our impact!
Twitter: @NYCMayor

Call: 311 (Parks and Recreation: You can let them know that eleven acres are missing from Bushwick Inlet Park.)
You can also sign the Bushwick Inlet Park petition here.

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