With the beautiful spring weather we’re having, chances are you and your friends will be hanging at McCarren Park at some point this weekend. Why not check out the participating artists at this weekend’s Greenpoint Open Studios.

This “Art Near the Park” Route is less than 1 mile and includes five studio visits, enjoy!

GOS Near McCarren Park
GOS Near McCarren Park

The Brooklyn Art Library at 28 Frost Street is home to The Sketchbook Project collection in its physical form, which means they house 35,000 sketchbooks created by artists from all over the world. Each book is catalogued and tagged and visitors are invited to view and explore all of the books on site or online.

The Sketchbook Project at 28 Frost St.
The Sketchbook Project at 28 Frost St.

Just a couple blocks east, at 427 Manhattan Avenue, you’ll find the studio of artist and musician Ken Butler. Well, as he puts it, “artists think I’m a musician and musicians think I’m an artist.” Working in bricolage, Butler crafts unique, “hybrid” musical instruments.

"Hybrid" musical instruments by Ken Butler
“Hybrid” musical instruments by Ken Butler

Heading to the North end of McCarren Park, stop by Ryan Maher’s studio at 872 Lorimer St. #1R, before continuing to the corner of McCarren where An Hoang has her studio at 55 Nassau Ave.

Work by Ryan Maher
Work by Ryan Maher
Work by An Hoang
Work by An Hoang

Finally, make your way past the crowds outside Five Leaves to Brenda Colling’s studio at 592 Manhattan Avenue. Colling is a talented textile artist who also works in upholstery and has tapestries from all over the world for sale or rental.

Collected Textiles by Brenda Colling
Collected Textiles by Brenda Colling

After all that, you’d be best to hit Van Leeuwen for some ice cream of iced coffee and relax in the park.

Or keep going! Stop by one of the GOS info hubs or RSVP here to stay in the loop.  See you in the streets!

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