Bite-size steak samplers do the rounds at the Hook & Cleaver launch ©Rosie de Belgeonne

Hook & Cleaver, a new ‘beefsteak club’ had its official opening last night at 68 Greenpoint Avenue.

The steakhouse-cum-lounge-bar fills the space formerly occupied by Coco which closed its doors in October, just 10 months after opening in January 2014.

Hook & Cleaver is headed up by Chef Diane DiMeo, famed for appearances on TV cooking shows such as ‘The Taste’ and ‘Chopped’. She is partnering up with Brooklyn Meat Club to bring diners top cuts of meat in what she describes as ‘your old typical steakhouse’, where choice cuts of meat will be brought around on trolleys for diners to select.

When we popped by for the launch party on Wednesday, Coco’s signature decor was still fully intact: the pale wood panels, exposed kitchen, skylights. Diane told us that the opportunity to use the space arose just two weeks ago, and she jumped at the chance to get things up and running straight away.

Diane makes it clear that she’s not into doing anything fancy, preferring to keep the menu straight up and classic: excellent grilled steaks; a few good sides; a decent whisky sour. “The area simply doesn’t need another place dishing up kale salads,” she laughs.

The restaurant will only be operating Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. In the fullness of time they will also launch a weekend brunch service under the name ‘Benedict’.

A full review will follow in coming weeks but, judging by the way guests were happily demolishing tasters of steak and red wine at the launch, I’d say that Diane may be onto a good thing.

Hook & Cleaver is at 68 Greenpoint Avenue.
Opening hours are Thursday, Friday & Saturday 5pm-12am.
Cash only.

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  1. everything about this place is confusing. Who opens a restaurant that’s only open 3 days a week for 6 hours a day? If you don’t have time to be open full time, then why take up the space? Also would like to skip out on the “cum lounge” ambiance.

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