It’s an art exhibition that is named as it functions, as an oxymoron: EVERYONEONLY —a curated mural project of only twenty-three artists who were originally selected for an art exhibition at Randall’s Island for the Governors Ball Music Festival this past June. But now at Succulent Studios (67 West Street, 5th floor in Greenpoint), these muralists have a second chance to see their art installed inside the Greenpoint Terminal Market, a piece of the historic complex of warehouses on the Brooklyn Waterfront.

On Friday, July 11th, many of the muralists joined in conversation with the visitors crowding into Succulent Studios during the opening reception. The murals were positioned adjacent to one another and kitty-cornered, creating a virtual space where, at every turn, visitors could view multiple muralists at a time.

The works carried motifs that spoke to the visual, urban landscape of New York City, as well as provided a commentary on the social and political state of affairs existing in the city and the nation. Phrases like ‘We Are Powerful’ by artist Icy and Sot, ‘Smile You’re Beautiful’ by Whisbe, and ‘Give Peace a Chance’ were lettered on the murals, as visual and textual clues to the works’ thought-provoking and inspirational intentions.

During the opening, artists also created on the spot to the live music playing, which was helmed by Kiran Gandhi and added a nice musical element to the art party vibe. I thought the Lena Cruz piece of two artsy eyes, drawn through the formation of a kaleidoscope was quite striking, evoking us to challenge not only how we see, but how what we see is an object that is subject to our own paradigm of seeing.

EVERYONEONLY runs through this Friday, July 18th, and Succulent Studios is open daily from 11am to 5pm or by appointment. You and everyone you know should stop by!