Myrtle Ave Pet Shop Neon by Robbie Ingui

March was our floating deadline for our Neon Documentary but in order to get everything just right and to submit the film to some MAJOR film festivals we aren’t rushing it and we plan on doing some more shooting while we continue editing.

Neon Documentary Editor Hannah Jayanti with D in Greenpointers HQ

It’s been a blast working closely with Hannah Jayanti, our talented editor. It’s interesting to hear her take on the direction of the film, since she has a fresh pair of eyes – whereas Miguel and I have gotten attached to certain ideas because of our experiences from filming. Her first edit was fresh and incredible and we watched it over and over again.

I am also really excited because my brother Joseph Galatioto, who is an amazing musician, has graciously agreed to score the film!

Our new “deadline” is June. Since we plan on submitting to Sundance (for real!) we won’t be able to release the film to the public – but will have fun screenings for our Kickstarter supporters.

Thanks for your continued interest in this important documentary!

If you want to see some amazing NEON before we release our film, watch Taxi Driver -streaming on Netflix. Robert Deniro with a mohawk and acting psychotically in 70s NYC is just dreamy.

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