Tonight – August 20, 2013 at 6:30 PM there will be a Public Hearing on the 77 Commercial Street Project and an Informational Presentation on Newtown Barge and Box Street Parks at Automotive High School (50 Bedford Ave).

Like Greenpoint Landing, 77 Commercial St has also begun its ULURP process. (WTF is ULURP?) Approval of the proposal will mean 30-40 story towers in exchange for a park and affordable housing.

Aside from the impact on the character of the neighborhood as well as issues with infrastructure and transportation, the environmental issues at this site and the risk to public health are of great concern.

According to the convoluted and endless Environmental Assessment Statement issued on 8/1/13, the 77 Commercial St site is “currently or was historically a manufacturing area that involved hazardous materials” … “a site where there is reason to suspect the presence of hazardous materials, contamination, illegal dumping or fill or fill material of unknown origin.” When is the open house?!

Based on the findings in this statement, a detailed analysis of air quality, noise and hazardous material in respect to public health needs to be conducted. If you can get a word in edgewise this evening, it’s very important that questions with respect to these vital issues are addressed.

At the Community Workshop we learned that the “’developers of this site will be paying the City $8 million for the air rights to 65 Commercial St. so that they can build higher on the 77 Commercial St. site. They will also be building 200 units (source) of affordable housing at the site,” according to GWAPP’s website. 65 Commercial St, which is an MTA site now will be the future of Box St Park AKA Commercial St Park if the proposal is approved.

Does the community want a park in exchange for a building that is 30-40 stories? If the developers are not granted the air rights, then the $8million for Box St Park and 200 additional affordable units will not be granted to the community.”

Read more about that project on GWAP’s website.

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