First, I’d like to welcome aboard Tony Luib, who has been hired as a Managing Editor for! His organization skills are pretty insane. And you all know Victoria, right? She is now working exclusively on our events, since she kicks major butt producing those markets we all love. The team is growing!

I’d also like to give you an update on the Writer’s Fund. Well, we did it! We are now paying contributors for content on It really feels good to send out those checks.

When you read “This article made possible by a donation to our Writer’s Fund by (blank)” that means a writer is getting paid for the story!

We are also raising money at our events, too. Saint Vitus donated $1 from every drink from the last comedy show and $5 from every supper at our next Sunday Supper will go to the Writer’s Fund, too!

I got giddy when new contributor Maria S (@msforpm) tweeted,  “Just received my first ever paycheck for writing something. Thanks so much, @greenpointers”

Heart melting! These are the opportunities we can give to creative people in Greenpoint!

It makes me so proud of how supportive the local businesses and our readers are of the Greenpoint community. Direct donations from businesses, along with the recent raffle and even donations from readers like “Greenpoint Area Guy” who wrote, “I’ve been casually reading Greenpointers for a while, and figured I’d best put my money where my mouse clicks,” has funded over $900 in posts.

Our goal is $5000 for the year… (to pay local writers $20/post for 3-4 posts/week) – so we have a ways to go…

Please consider making a donation in any amount to our Writer’s Fund. We appreciate your support and readership very much!

Writer’s Fund

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