Work It Brooklyn & Brooklyn Based are hosting a networking event and Sandy Relief Fundraiser tonight (11/27) – 7:30-9:30pm at Brooklyn Brewery (79 No. 11th St).
A few bucks gets you a raffle ticket for some great local prizes, a beer, first hand accounts of kitchen mishaps and survival, and some awesome speed networking– not bad for a Tuesday night! Food vendors will also be on hand to curb your hunger. Register and/or Donate Now!
You don’t have to be in the food industry to attend, so register and spread the word!
Raffle and ticket sales will benefit ReStore Red Hook, which is helping businesses devastated by Hurricane Sandy (the majority of businesses on their site suffered damages of $50,000 or more, and they need help reaching their goal). Food vendors will also donate 10% of sales to ReStore Red Hook.
Tickets are $15.