Sometimes I wish we had a neighborhood watch for this sort of thing. I wonder if it’s the same guy I have seen in plain daylight peeing with his you know what hanging out on Nassaue Ave by McGolrick Park, and no one (including me) did anything about it. But peeping into windows is a different story.

An anonymous tipster emailed Greenpointers:

“There have been several reports of a prowler/peeping Tom on Humboldt Street between Nassau and Norman. It might even go beyond the one block. The latest incident was on Friday but there have been multiple cases of a man looking into windows. In one instance from a few weeks ago he was seen masturbating on someone’s porch (but the eyewitness did not call the police). Everyone who has seen this guy failed to call the police. Word has been spreading down the block and all neighbors are now on alert to call the police immediately at anything slightly suspicious. Police seem to be aware of the situation but no official reports have been filed and I don’t know if they are actively doing anything about it. A common description of the guy (this includes the masturbator) a few people have seen is: white, Polish (someone actually spoke to him so this is not an assumption) and in his late 30s – mid 40s. He seems to be out and about around midnight-1am on weekends.

A pretty generic description, I know. So I guess the overall point is that people in the area should be aware of this, especially if they live on ground level apartments, and call the police if they see anyone suspicious.”

If you see this guy, call the police!

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  1. The same description fits several exhibitionists in the neighborhood. There’s one on Nassau between Eckford and McGuinness, and I just noticed one on (I believe) India between Manhattan and Franklin.

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