Whenever I see folks pointing and looking up into a tree, I have to stop and find out what’s up. At McCarren it’s usually one of the Red Tailed Hawks but on Saturday at the American Playground on Franklun St, it was a rare sighting and first for me, an Eastern Kingbird!

Luis and Adelina were so excited to tell me that they rescued a chick who they named “Freedom,” and with the help of Wild Bird Fund, NYC’s first Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, they were able to return him to his family right here in Greenpoint. Since the lovely local couple lives right on Franklin St, they can visit their aviary neighbors regularly. We will be sure to invite these two to our next bird walk so we can meet Freedom and his flock.

Donate to Wild bird Fund and support the rescue and rehabilitation of wild birds in NYC.

This the cheesiest tear jerker yet! I know you’re going to love it! Enjoy!

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  1. Freedom looks like he’s saying “thank you for rescuing me” . Very cute! Love the video. Thank you Luis and Adelina, for not walking by, but for stopping to save a beautiful and rare creature.

  2. Very sweet story. If more New Yorkers paid attention to our animal co-residents this great city would be even greater.

  3. I love your movie on “Freedom” and will try to post it on my FB page. Guess I’ll need to add kingbirds to my next “Birds of Greenpoint” card set.

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