recycling nun!
Compost rules! And now it needs to be ruled. Become a compost master! The North Brooklyn Compost Project can help you reach this goal. The certificate program is designed to promote the practice of urban composting. You get 25 hours of classroom training (including two field trips) and 30 hours of volunteer outreach service in compost education and promotion. Application due: February 17, 2012.

Click here for more info

Why compost?
The NBCP says: “Composting is an important alternative to garbage export. Currently, our waste is trucked around the city and exported for landfill or incineration in New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania and so on. The impacts of dealing with garbage this way are felt in communities who live all along these truck routes, transfer stations and disposal sites. Public money is thrown away on polluting the air and wearing down the roads to export thousands of tons of compostable material each day In New York City.

We think it’s a waste, because we know that by composting you get a very valuable product, and spare these negative impacts!

As a soil amendment, compost increases nutrition and moisture available to plants and animals living in the soil. Composting reduces the use of herbicides and chemical fertilizers, helps conserve water, filters pollutants from water, improves soil structure, increases water-holding capacity, and improves disease resistance in plants.”

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