© Victor Wolski

I love perusing the amazing photos that fellow Greenpointers share on the Greenpointers Flickr pool. Recently I posted some amazing interiors from a user named Digital Front. The shots looked like old movie sets and I imagined this person to be either a film location scout or a real estate broker.

Sure enough our photographer with a keen eye and an in on old properties in the neighborhood is named Victor Wolski. He grew up on Humboldt St, studied photography in college and now is a real estate broker for Greenpoint Properties.


© Victor Wolski

When asked what inspires him to record these images, Victor said: “Besides being part of my job, I do it to preserve a piece of Greenpoint that won’t exist any more after the property is sold. Many of the apartments and houses haven’t been touched in 50, 70, or sometimes 100 years. But once the homes are renovated they will be gone forever. And as the population of Greenpoint, and the city in general, keeps exploding I fear the old historic apartments will become more and more rare, to be replaced by sleek new interiors that just don’t have that charm that existed before it. Doing the photography work myself also gives me a way to be creative in a mostly non-creative field.”

© Victor Wolski

People would pay a fortune for those wallpaper patterns and go crazy over that old wood paneling. Thanks Victor, for giving us a glimpse back to a time past and keeping old Greenpoint alive through your great photography. To see more of these interesting photos visit Victor’s Flickr page.

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  1. That is so sad that people renovate these places, and don’t want to rent them the way they are for their charm! I love the look of those interiors and I’d take them over an IKEA-ed home any day! Thanks for sharing!

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