A Ruth Bader Ginsburg poster was vandalized in Greenpoint on Tuesday inside the Nassau Avenue G subway station with the words “Die Jew Bitch” along with a drawing of a […]
Tag: greenpoint brooklyn
The Irish Revolutionary and First Female Mayor of Dublin Who Lived in Greenpoint
It’s both Women’s History Month and the week before St. Patrick’s Day so it is totally fitting that we honor the most famous Irish woman who ever lived in Greenpoint- […]
Emergency Blood Drive This Sunday (3/17)
An emergency blood drive is being organized by the North Brooklyn Chamber to help the NY Blood Center meet the needs of their patients during an ongoing shortage. The blood drive […]
Second L Train Open House is Wednesday (3/13) in Williamsburg
The MTA is hosting its second L train open house tomorrow (3/13) at the Williamsburg Northside School (299 N. 7th St.) from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Two additional L train […]
A History of Greenpoint Piers
There is no more important geographical feature of Greenpoint than our waterfront defined by piers, wharves and docks, so let us take a moment and examine in more detail the […]
Brooklyn Community Board 1’s Monthly Meeting is Tonight (3/12)
The monthly Brooklyn Community Board 1 meeting is tonight (3/12) at the Swinging 60s Senior Citizens Center (211 Ainslie St.) from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The meeting will also be live-streamed and […]
The Williamsburg Roots of the Adler Acting Dynasty
American theater and film acting owes a huge debt to Stella Adler who is perhaps the most influential teacher of the dramatic method in American theater history. Adler’s method […]
NYPD to Host Community Forum Against Hate (3/14)
The NYPD Patrol Borough Brooklyn North is hosting a community forum and discussion on hate crimes and how residents can work together to stop the noted increase in hate crimes […]
Maria Stewart: America’s ‘First Black Woman Political Writer’ Who Taught in Williamsburg
This story was originally published in 2019.
MTA to Host First of Four L Train Open Houses Tonight (3/7)
The MTA is hosting the first of four open houses focused on the L train tonight (3/7) at Our Lady of Guadalupe St. Bernard at 328 W 14 St. in Manhattan […]