From the gnarled trees of Ithaca’s woods, to the warm, round edges of a Parisian apartment building, to the power plant smokestacks as seen from a Greenpoint warehouse rooftop, neighborhood […]
Category: Art
GO Brooklyn Art, Greenpoint Artist: Zoe Pettijohn Schade Stratifies Order and Disorder
A petite, bright white studio overlooking the trees of Eagle Street is the clean, calm home to Zoe Pettijohn Schade’s intricate and phenomenally executed gouache paintings. The tin-ceiled building was previously used […]
Greenpoint Community Gospel Choir
You know you love gospel music. Secretly. Or not so secretly! Aretha Franklin? Mahalia Jackson? America’s best music has come from the gospel tradition. Don’t you want to sing some […]
Flora e Fauna: An Exhibition of Botanical Drawings by KT Smail Opening at Nights and Weekends 9/5
Flora e Fauna: An Exhibition of Botanical Drawings by KT Smail Opening at tomorrow Wednesday September 5, 2012, 6-9pm @ Nights & Weekends (1 Bedford Ave). Greenpointers had a chat […]
This weekend check out Go Brooklyn, a Brooklyn wide artist open studios organized by Brooklyn Museum. The idea is, visitors “check-in” to each artist studio using a smart phone app. […]
Name That Point and Win a Beer!
Welcome to the second edition of Name That Point. Can you guess the location in Greenpoint where this street art photo is located? The first person to guess correctly wins a […]
Newtown Creek Armada Fundraising Happy Hour Tonight 8/30!
“The Newtown Creek Armada is an art installation that invites the public to explore the past, present and future of a contaminated New York City waterway. The Newtown Creek, a […]
My Chemical Portrait at Heliopolis: Last Night Tonight 8/26
It was nothing like the cowboy-dress, sepia novelties of every town tourist traps. Having my collodian portrait taken at Heliopolis gallery by inherent photographer Eric Lee Bowman felt (and was) […]
Under the Mattress: Greenpoint Artist Billy Frey Collects and Collages
A young visitor aptly described Billy Frey’s show, Under the Mattress, as “creepy good.” This pithy description of Frey’s collages, assembled from vintage magazines dating from the 1930s to the […]
Help Turn Eat Greenpoint’s Backyard Into A Pottery Studio!
Once a record and coffee shop, now a locally sourced restaurant, Eat Greenpoint’s owner Jordan Colon is dedicated to transforming the space once again – this time into a pottery […]