The CitiStorage building stood vacant long after a devastating fire, and more than just a dilapidated eyesore, it also delayed the neighborhood’s long-standing promise of a united waterfront park.
It’s finally gone, but questions remain. What happens to the land now? When will a new park open? Who is responsible for cleaning it up?
The Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park group, leaders in the fight to bring the park to life, will host the first event in their 2025 seminar series. Next week’s convocation (Thursday, February 13, 6-8 pm) features a discussion about the land’s future. The event covers the land’s history, funding, remediation, and upcoming timeline.
Free registration is required. The event takes place at the park’s community building at 86 Kent Avenue.

While we’re at it, this evening sees two other important community meetings take place. Tonight, February 6, from 7 to 8 pm, our local city council members Lincoln Restler and Jennifer Gutiérrez are hosting a virtual “Know Your Immigration Rights” presentation from New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG).
Also tonight, the School Construction Authority will present their plans for a new elementary school on Franklin Street during Brooklyn Community Board 1’s Environmental Protection Committee meeting, at 6 pm. We first broke the story of those plans back in December; find out more about the state of the proposed school here.
The in-person meeting will take place at Swinging Sixties Senior Center (211 Ainslie St.)
The members of the School Construction Authority said themselves in one meeting that this is the best place to build a school. There is NO other site in Greenpoint that a school could be built on. Why is no one picking up on what else they said, that they are paying only $1.00 a year for the next 99 years on the lease of this land. Hmmm… so why should they look elsewhere?