Update September 12, 2024, 5:48 pm: This article has been modified to include new information from St. Anselm

The Williamsburg restaurant St. Anselm (355 Metropolitan Ave) experienced a fire this morning.

A fire broke out in the building around 4:49 am this morning. The FDNY reports that it was under control by 5:42 am; no injuries were reported.

Citizen reports that the fire started in the basement.

St. Anselm announced that they would be closing until further notice, to deal with the extensive damage. They encouraged customers to support their sister restaurant, Fette Sau (354 Metropolitan Ave).

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  1. This restaurant has had a filthy out of code chimney/hood system for years. Were advised of various fire hazards and ignored/terminated employees who warned them. the smokey interior wasn’t aesthetic it was a symptom of the issue. longtime staff complained of lung issues, coughed up black discharge. Fontaine, the general manager, is awful. It was inevitable.

  2. The fire started in the basement because of a fluorescent bulb and didn’t travel beyond the basement because of how effectively the fire code was followed.

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