Let’s face it—the looming G train shutdown is not going to be fun.

But the degree to which it will not be fun remains to be seen. Minor nuisance or major headache? That all depends on how committed the MTA is to making the experience comfortable for straphangers in a neighborhood that famously only has one train.

Luckily, a new forum offers the chance to ask those questions firsthand. The North Brooklyn electeds have teamed up with the MTA and the NYC Department of Transportation to host a town hall next Thursday, May 30, at 7 p.m.

Image courtesy of Kidfly182/Wikimedia Commons

“You’ll hear about the major new investments in the G, the MTA’s replacement free shuttle bus service, and how DOT plans to get these buses around more effectively on our congested streets,” Assemblymember Emily Gallagher wrote on Instagram.

Reminder that segments of the G-train will be shut down from June 28 through September 2, in order for the MTA to complete its signal modernization project, replacing the existing signals with communications-based train control (CBTC).

The forum will be held at John Ericcson Middle School, 424 Leonard St, Brooklyn, NY. You can RSVP for the event, which also has a virtual option, here.

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  1. I thought the line was closing for six weeks? June 28-Sept 2 is NINE weeks of closure. UGH.

  2. Thank you local electeds

    Implement Congestion Pricing on June 30, close the G line for the entirety of the summer, open an NYC ferry stop on a private dock that closes at the discretion of the private owner, narrow McGuinness to one lane in each direction, and conceptualize a bus re-route onto that one-laned McGuinness.

    This certainly won’t keep McGuinness moving, I am uncertain how much safer it will be, but I have a good feeling this will Make McGuinness Boil With Rage this summer! 🙂

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