As much-needed as the repairs are, it’s definitely a bummer that the G-train will be out of commission for so long this summer.

Luckily, there’s at least one bright spot on the horizon. The Greenpoint Avenue station will be getting some deep cleaning and renovations, as part of the MTA’s Re-NEW-vation program, amNY reports.

The repairs will coincide with the project to install communications-based train control (CBTC) on the G train, so Greenpointers can expect a new and improved train by the end of the summer. Our local elected officials have also called on the MTA to use this downtime to add more train-cars and restore service further into Queens.

According to amNY: “The scheduled improvements at each station include full repainting; replacing lighting fixtures with LED lights; refinishing benches; removing outdated signs; patching cracked walkways; rehabilitating stairways; installing new drainage systems; repairing tile; and repairing track ceilings.”

As a reminder, the G train will be totally out of commission from June 28 through August 12.

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  1. please add the extra cars you took away we pay too much to be running to get to the last car

  2. Wish the G train would go all the way to queens born and raised in Greenpoint and still here the convenience would be great especially for elderly,handicapped & strollers please take this into consideration plus add more cars to the G line thank you

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