Greenpoint’s spectacular architecture has long factored into artists’ creative interpretations of our neighborhood: Nina Boesch turns our water towers into miniature art pieces, and Steve Wasterval paints local scenes that become part of community easter egg hunts. Mikayla Sherfy, somewhat newer to the nabe, also creates singular impressions of our shared Brooklyn home, crafting colorful depictions of brownstones and shops that are cute but never cloying thanks to their exquisite detail and palpable affection. Now, she has art appearing at local bar Brouwerij Lane, which will be up through Greenpoint Open Studios next month. Get to know the neighborhood artist in our below interview, and find her work online at

Artist Mikayla Sherfy

Greenpointers: You are showing work at Brouwerij Lane! It’s such a great and unique spot for local art. How did that partnership arise?

Mikayla Sherfy: I am very excited to be showing at Brouwerji Lane. I’m a big fan of the expertly curated beer bar and have always loved their commitment to supporting local artists. I met the owners years ago at an art event of theirs and we have been talking about doing a show ever since. Now it’s finally happening with a big opening party on May 25!

What kind of art will you be showing, and how does it connect to the branding of A Perfect Mouse? (Is that your alter ego artist name? It’s lovely!)

I will be showing a variety of works on and with paper for this show. Focusing on Brooklyn architecture. I have identified mostly as an illustrator in the past, but I am pushing the boundaries of what that means for me with these new pieces. Mixed media, prints, and sculpture will be presented alongside my regular pen & watercolor works.

(A Perfect Mouse is the silly name I gave my website to separate it from my performance profiles. I’ve been called mousey and I had a pet mouse Franklin. It fit and it stuck and I never changed it.)

The Greenpoint clock

Your work will be up through Greenpoint Open Studios, right? Is this your first time participating?

Yes, my work will be up at Brouwerji Lane through Greenpoint Open Studios. This will be my first time participating in the event and I’m very excited. Seeing inside an artist’s studio is an intimate and inspirational experience.

Can you sum up your artistic style or approach? What catches your eye?

I rearrange our familiar neighborhood buildings to create surreal collages. I’ll arrange them to simulate what it feels like to walk around the area and see it changing. I will also spotlight particular buildings when I am inspired by their history or significance to the community. I think of my art as a form of documentation.

I like to use my art as a way to connect with people and inspire conversation. I want to encourage people to look closer and witness everyday surroundings with fresh eyes.

Things that catch my eye: ironwork, clotheslines, block glass, funky lighting, animals in apartment windows.

Have you been in the neighborhood long, and what does its artistic community represent to you?

I have lived in Greenpoint for a little over three years now. The creative community here has been overwhelmingly welcoming to me. It has had a profound effect on my life and work to know the artists and creatives of Greenpoint. My career would look very different without them. To me they represent home.

Anything else you want to share? Thank you!

My coloring book Brooklyn Bound is being released this August! It features all of my Brooklyn neighborhood colleges and more. It’s formatted as a ‘color along’ tour of our borough. It was a fun collaboration with Ulysses Press and I can’t wait to have it in stores around Greenpoint and beyond!

All artwork and photos were provided by Mikayla Sherfy.

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