No offense to McCarren Park, but real heads know that McGolrick Park is the superior North Brooklyn park. After a recent renovation (that was completed in record time, luckily), reconstructed the park’s asphalt pathways, and added more benches, McGolrick looks better than ever.

To continue this hot streak of beautification, the park will now get a dedicated part-time gardener to tend to the park’s plants and landscaping. For the first time since 2019, the city’s Parks and Recreation department will allow a gardener from the North Brooklyn Parks Alliance to perform regular maintenance in McGolrick. 

City Council Member Lincoln Restler’s office allocated $15,000 to fund the position.

“Our community has been clamoring to bring a gardener back to McGolrick Park for years. I’m thrilled that the Parks Department has agreed to partner with the North Brooklyn Parks Alliance to allow us to bring a gardener to McGolrick Park,” said Council Member Lincoln Restler in a press release. “We are committed to working with the reinvigorated Friends of McGolrick Park and the North Brooklyn Parks Alliance to maintain this gardener position and achieve sustained beautification of our beloved park.”

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  1. The parts department removed more benches than they were placed. Happy to give you the data. This article is wrong in regards to the parks department adding more benches.

  2. The author may want to fact-check the assertion that the project “added more benches:” There are approximately 170 FEWER benches than before this project began. While it’s nice to have a gardener, it’d be even nicer if we had more places to chill and enjoy the fruits of their labors, not less.

  3. It would be great if they restored the natural wildflower garden and fix the stones which everyone has disassembled over the past few years. That was part of a drainage feature in the natural garden. They were rain barrels to catch the rainwater as well.

  4. The park has been shaping up beautifully! Every day I walk through it and feel so thankful to live only two blocks away.
    But as it gets warmer and more people fill it up, it will be helpful to have a few more benches added as it’s true there are less now.

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