Six State Legislators, including two representing North Brooklyn, have come out in support of Governor Cuomo’s impeachment, in light of the recent allegations of sexual harassment.

State Senator Julia Salazar, State Senator Jabari Brisport, Assembly Member Emily Gallagher, Assembly Member Phara Souffrant Forrest, Assembly
Member Zohran Mamdani, and Assembly Member Marcela Mitaynes issued the following joint statement from the state capitol in Albany:

“The accounts of sexual harassment from the women who have courageously come forward confirm what many in Albany have known for years: that Governor Cuomo uses his power to belittle, bully and harass his employees and colleagues.
The accounts add to recent revelations of gross misconduct. It is time for the legislature to demand accountability.

“Impeachment proceedings are the appropriate avenue for us to pursue as legislators to hold the Governor accountable for his many abuses of power and remove him from office.

“These accounts of predatory behavior come just weeks after Governor Cuomo’s administration admitted to withholding critical information, including the thousands of COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes, from the public and from the federal government. That act alone on the part of the Governor was sufficient to justify impeachment proceedings. Governor Cuomo has repeatedly abused his powers and yet has faced no accountability. We must utilize every mechanism to lead a process commensurate with the severity of the governor’s multiple abuses of power.

“We stand in solidarity with anyone who is a survivor of harassment, assault, or abuse. As socialists and as elected representatives, we must demonstrate solidarity in this moment and ensure Governor Cuomo cannot simply walk away
from these accusations.”

The statement, co-signed by the six legislators, all Democrats, refers to the recent sexual harassment accusations by two former staff members of Cuomo’s. On Monday, March 1, another woman accused the governor, whom she had never met until the incident, of inappropriate conduct at a wedding.

Governor Cuomo is currently serving his third term as Governor, with New York’s next gubernatorial election slated for November 2022. Several online petitions call for Governor Cuomo’s impeachment, including one with almost 25,000 signatures. Should the Governor resign or be removed from office, Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul would assume his role.

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