Goodyoga announced that it will be closed Friday night and are going to reopen Saturday at their new space at 37 Greenpoint Ave #106, a mere 500 feet away from their former studio. Read the statement from Goodyoga founder Flannery Foster:
In the 9.5 years since Goodyoga was incubated in the weird, wondrous ware/guesthouse on Calyer, the only constant has been change, and always for the better, even…especially…when the weather is at it’s worst.
Like September, for example, when “THE Perfect” space fell through. We thought we’d have to cancel the Mysore Ashtanga Program after 8 years.
Just before I pressed send on the announcement, an email about our new Williamsburg location appeared in my inbox. We moved in the next day.
Now Mysore is more popular than ever, we have a permanent home for our Teacher Training and a big beautiful Goodburg, convenient to both of our established neighborhoods. It even has a garden!
With so many of our Members already enjoying the convenience of our new flagship location at the Metropolitan G / Lorimer L train, we’ve decided to relocate Goodpoint to a space that better serves our changing needs.
Bushwick and Williamsburg classes will carry on while Greenpoint classes are cancelled on Thursday and Friday.
Goodpoint will reopen at 37 Greenpoint Avenue, #106: 500 feet closer to our new Backyard, Transmitter Park.
Our new ground floor space in The Pencil Factory has warm wood floors, beams, columns and brick, waiting to welcome you on Saturday morning after she gets a fresh coat of paint.
Sorry for the short notice, but you know how NYC real estate is, amiright?
We’ll update our online info ASAP and keep you posted via Instagram, the website and our own Goodyoga App.
I can’t wait to get out of the office and back into the studios with all of you as soon as we’ve settled in.
I’ll be teaching Goodmind, an hour of meditation instruction and practice every Saturday at Noon at Goodburg for the forseeable future.
I will not be teaching Asana, except in the context of Teacher Trainings.
Rest assured, I will be using that time and energy to serve you in other ways.
Thanks in advance for your patience while we warm our new home over the next month or so.
Be Well,
Flannery Foster @flanneryfoster