Calyer Street has one of the most beautiful groups of landmark row houses in Greenpoint, where Calyer Street meets Clifford Place. These five Neo-Greek brick houses were built between 1879 and 1880. The quaint landmark houses seem to have jumped straight out of the Edward Hopper painting Sunday Morning. These houses delude you into thinking that Calyer Street is frozen in time—but change is coming quickly to Greenpoint, even to historic Calyer Street.
Perhaps no street is more historic than Calyer Street. The history of the street even predates its official opening, going all the way back to 1645 when the first European home in Greenpoint was built by Norwegian immigrant Dirck Volckerstzen 100 feet from where Calyer and Franklin meet. The house was built on a knoll, but was burned by the Native Americans in 1655 and rebuilt after the conflict had ended. The house and the hill it stood on were leveled to provide landfill for shipyards in the 1850s.
Calyer Street takes its name from the second resident of Volcekertszen’s house, Jacobus Calyer, a veteran of the battle of Brooklyn in the revolution, whose farm was carved in 1852 for the street’s construction. Thomas Rowland, the owner of 85 Calyer Street made history in 1861 by building a revolutionary battleship, the Monitor, which saved the Union during the Civil War. The designer of the ship, John Ericsson lived in a rooming house on Calyer Street and went each day to 85 Calyer St. to meet with Rowland and check on the ship’s construction. Sadly, Rowland’s house was recently demolished and with it went a huge piece of local history. A Monitor museum is planned near the East River at Quay Street.

Most of the houses on Calyer between Franklin and Manhattan were built between 1865 and 1880, giving this part of the street a historic feel. 156 and 159 Calyer St. have attractive Queen Anne style shingles, a decorative feature found on many historic Greenpoint houses.

Calyer’s street’s antique bar, the Capri Social Club, once known as Murphy’s, further adds to Calyer Street’s timeless aura. The dark mahogany woodwork, ancient mirrors and antique fixtures have survived unscathed for decades. Sitting at the bar and admiring its antique features, it’s not hard to imagine 1880s Brooklyn. Many films and television programs have been shot in the historic bar.

At the corner of Calyer and Manhattan Avenue, was one of the area’s most beautiful buildings, but sadly it has been demolished. The 1673-seat Greenpoint Theatre opened on October 10, 1908, as one of the first large vaudeville palaces in Brooklyn to be located outside of downtown Brooklyn. The Greenpoint was designed by architect William McElPatrick to awe patrons with its majestic appearance. The auditorium was breathtaking, with ceiling murals and a grand arch, suggestive of a European opera. Starting at the ground floor, there were three levels of boxed seats on the sides of the stage and it also had two balconies. In 1912, the Greenpoint was sold to Keith’s, a string of Vaudeville theaters.

Sometime around 1912, Greenpoint’s most famous incident of attempted censorship took place when the famous Eva Tanguay, the Lady Gaga of her day, tried to perform at Keith’s. Notorious as the “I Don’t Care Girl”—the title of her signature song—Tanguay established herself as the queen of Vaudeville in 1901 with the New York City premiere of her controversial show “My Lady.” Tanguay was brazen, impudent, and shameless in the eyes of the Prudish. Some of her hit songs like “It’s all been done Before But Not the Way I Do It” and “Go As Far As You Like” boldly suggested illicit pleasures. She wore a shockingly revealing dress made entirely of pennies and filled her act with racy double entendres. The pastor of St. Antony of Padua Fr. O’Hare, learning that Tanguay was set to appear on stage, appeared and drove her from the stage, but the next night Tanguay reappeared, taunting Fr. O’Hare by changing the words to her hit song singing,
“ Father O’ Hare I don’t care.”

It is quite possible that a talented young local girl, Mae West, saw the Tanguay performance and incorporated many of the elements of Tanguay’s stage persona and act into her own provocative routine. It is also probable that West herself appeared as a child actor on the stage of the Greenpoint Theater. In 1927, the first talkie movie ran and Vaudeville was doomed. Eventually, the Greenpoint became an RKO movie house. As the RKO Greenpoint, it played double features that were first-run for the neighborhood.

Like almost every other street in Greenpoint, condos are being created on Calyer Street. A former bank office near the corner of the intersection with Lorimer Street is being transformed into condominiums. The former site of the Otom gym on the north side of the street is slated to become a six-story condominium building as well. On the south side of Calyer just off Manhattan Avenue sits a bank of old-time light poles that date from the 1940s. The historic poles have somehow survived on a street where so much history has been made.

Interesting. I know it is a little bit off Calyer, about one half block towards Noble where the 60 unit coop bldg is now, stood a Presbyterian Church. It was knocked down to allow the coop bldg. to be built circa 1950-1960s. I have been told this but never confirmed it.
It is one of the only houses of worship, along with a major syn. where C Town now stands to be razed. Just about every other house of worship still stands in some, way, shape or form.
Yes, the Presbyterian Church was on the SW corner of Noble and Lorimer, where Lorimer dead ends. It was abandoned sometime in the 40s and immediately replaced by an apt. building, still there I think.
The Greenpoint Baptist Church was catty-corner , on the north side of Noble about 100′ down from “the Avenue”. I wonder if it’s still there.
‘Majestic appearance’.. Perfect wording, as the building, by the standards of those days, was majestic only in appearance. Whereas the remaining bank building is fairly majestic. Go inside, where its experience of the clerestoried oculus is best had. Natural light washes the tiled dome’s interior. Whoop, a ring of artificial very bright lights has ruined this experience.
My daughter sent me a link to your site. Amazing to see Calyer St. so well represented.
I lived in 85 Calyer for the first 22 years of my life- up till leaving for the service in 1953. My Grandma owned it then.
We knew it had some connection to the Civil War- The Continental Iron Works / Monitor/John Ericcson story was still well remembered in the neighborhood; and in fact the Continental had only recently gone under in the Depression.
85 was definitely built by a “person of substance”: pocket doors, white marble fireplaces, full width covered porch, wine cellar, etc So the Rowland connection is not surprising.
The last time I saw it was very depressing; porch torn off and then all slathered with aluminum siding (the curse of Greenpoint!)
I have a link to a 1940 photo of 85 from the NYC tax records that I stumbled and would be glad to share it. Some memories of ’30s-’40s Gpt too.
Can I see the old 85 Calyer St. photos? We just moved here!
Any one have any pictures of 208 Calyer st on the corner of Eckford St. My father used to own the candy store there. It’s a dentist office now.
156 Calyer Street was my address from the time I was 5 until I got married. My dad was a bartender for the Murphy’s for many years. I was probably the only 9 year old who was allowed to sit at the bar sipping a Coke and munching on a bag of Wise potato chips that my father gave me when I stopped in the side door to tell him I was home from school while he was working.
One other thing I just recalled. Before moving to 156 Calyer, my great grandfather owned 125 Calyer in the 20’s up until the 40’s I believe. My great grandmother made “hooch” in the cellar during prohibition. Coyle was their name.
Living at 156 Calyer in the 50’s, I remember the RKO “Greenie” well. I spent many Saturday afternoons there watching double features. On the corner of Lorimer and Calyer was Stanley’s Deli next to the side of the movie theater.
Hi, looking for anyone who might remember the McAllisters or McKillops who lived on Calyer St some time ago. My husband was Alex McKillop.
Dose anyone remember Havmour potato chip factory on the corner of McGinnis Blvd & Calyer st in the 60’s
Have pics please post ?