As a wave of eager voters arrived at their poll sites across New York City today, tens of thousands of Brooklynites faced extended lines with wait times over two-hours due to malfunctioning ballot scanners. The resiliency of NYC voters was on full display as they waited through the chaos, likely wondering why New York doesn’t have early voting.

The line at John Ericsson Middle School 126 (424 Leonard St.) in Greenpoint wrapped down the hall outside of the voting room and the wait time was over two hours at 2 p.m., after four out of six ballot scanners stopped working.

At Saint Cecilia’s (84 Herbert St.) only one scanner was working and voters waited up to four hours to cast ballots.

An emergency ballot box was utilized at the Central Brooklyn Public Library at Grand Army Plaza after all of the ballot scanners went down.

Every machine was reported down at PS 8 in Brooklyn Heights.

At Cornerstone Senior Housing’s poll site (550 Greene Ave.) two out of three scanners malfuntioned.

New York Attorney General Babra Underwood’s office continues to be inundated with complaints to its election day hotline (1-800-771-7755).

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