Greenpoint Terminal Warehouse, watercolor by Sven Johnson
Watercolor of Greenpoint Terminal Warehouse by Sven Johnson

Who would have thought industrial Greenpoint could look so captivatingly elegant? Greenpoint-based artist Sven Johnson is an architectural illustrator and painter who has been living in the neighborhood since 1992. He’ll be showing his latest work, twelve watercolor paintings of Greenpoint at Oslo Coffee (133 Roebling Street) starting this Friday, March 16th.

Watercolor of Greenpoint water tower, by Sven Johnson
Watercolor of Greenpoint water tower, by Sven Johnson

In a press release, he says:

“To me, what originally attracted me here was the sense of loneliness and open space, and the juxtaposition of that with the close proximity of Midtown Manhattan, just across the river… it was a sort of industrial wasteland with an intensely urban cityscape as a background,” he explains. “It’s a feeling I’d like to capture, before the neighborhood changes beyond recognition. Many of these views distinctly changed during the last year I was working on them, and many of the family owned businesses included might not be around much longer. ”

The originals are for sale, and signed, limited edition prints are available as well. You can contact Sven via email to inquire about purchasing a piece— [email protected].

Watercolor of McGuinness Blvd, by Sven Johnson
Watercolor of HB Steel on McGuinness Blvd, by Sven Johnson
Watercolor of the East River by Sven Johnson
Watercolor of the East River by Sven Johnson

The Greenpoint Series by Sven Johnson

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