Cooper Park

If people get involved, Cooper Park will get better! Please join Friends of Cooper Park for their first meeting!

When: Monday, November 13, 6pm-7:30pm
Where: St. Nicks Alliance2 Kingsland Avenue
Who: Current and future volunteers, park stewards and activists
Food and Drinks: Yes! A complimentary light buffet dinner and drinks will be served
Childcare will be provided
More info: “Cooper Park can be so much more—health club, art studio, outdoor classroom, a place where we meet when we get together with friends and neighbors, and a space where we connect with nature. Our neighborhood’s friends groups, including Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park (FBIP) and McGolrick Park Neighborhood Alliance (MPNA), have demonstrated the value of parks groups, helping raise millions of dollars in capital improvements and getting neighbors involved in improving their parks! The sky’s the limit for Cooper Park….if we all get involved!”

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