When life in the city requires additional cash flow and you don’t have time to interview for part-time jobs, here’s the trick: dog walking.  This isn’t the old-school days of walking your neighbor’s dog.  Dog walking and pet sitting have become a tech-friendly and business savvy career path thanks to Rover.com.  Rover connects hundreds of pet owners and pet sitters online, and here why you’ll want to do it too:

Your clients love you.

Yes, your clients are dogs and cats. They’ll be ready for your attention, treats, and playtime when you arrive.  Their owners are thrilled to have someone else available to take care of their pets.  You get to be the boss that everyone loves.

It’s fun and outdoorsy.

You’re getting paid to take dogs to the park.  If your day job is at a desk, this is your chance to slip into something comfortable and get outside with your dog clients.  Whether it’s playing fetch, going for a jog, or enjoying a long walk, this job is desk-free and all windows.  Start making your list of your favorite parks and outside spaces to visit.

Work when you want.

Here’s a job where no else sets your hours.  You decide when you want to work and how often.  When you create your Rover.com profile online, you set your availability.  Pet owners book appointments based on your schedule, and it’s all done at the click of a button.  Only available on the weekends?  No problem.  Ready to turn this into a full-time business?  Go for it.  

When you setup your online profile, you’ll customize your schedule, your pay rate, and the kind of pet care you can do.  Rover.com makes pet sitting easy to begin and provides resources to promote your business!  Are you ready?

Sponsored Post by Rover.com. Written by Tracy Vicory-Rosenquest, Rover.com community member. Rover is the nation’s largest network of 5-star pet sitters and dog walkers.

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