Heidi Vanderlee and Kiri Oliver are the band Early Riser, and they recently released an album calledĀ Currents.

They both live and practice in Greenpoint. Hit the jump below for their music video take on our neighborhood.

Although once compared toĀ The Mountain Goats, Early Riser brings more to mind the sly and smart folk pop play of Ā The Prettiots,Ā who haven’t wrecked this town since about a year ago.

Here’s their local version of a recently famous Pittsburgh teen’s bucket list.

The band has also lathed out an album on sea foam green vinyl.

I’ve been a skeptic of the LP record renaissance movement and as it turns out, for good causeā€”as explained through McGolrick Park area resident Leonard Lopate this August 3rd.

But also I was probably just freaked out from vinyl due to some deep psychological trauma from being told never to touch my mom’s limited blue-vinyl release from Elvis Presley, meaning never never.

Let’s just say she was not a music geek. Mama was hot for Bloated Elvis.

CurrentsĀ is a new burn on vinyl, so it doesn’t inherit the problems pointed out on Lopate’s show.

For those of you without a turntable, you can findĀ Currents on Bandcamp and some other streaming venues with some sleuthing.

Those of you not trapped into sleuthing as a release from social anxiety, catch the band at Muchmore’sĀ in Williamsburg (2 Havemeyer St) on September 1st.

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