Greencycle Swap 4/22/17

By now, you’ve probably heard about the KonMari method of organization—Martha’s raved about it, Oprah’s into it, and social media has sure helped spread the word—but maybe you haven’t actually gotten around to putting any of those tips into action. It’s time to finally let go of that wacky-yet-aspirational outfit sitting unworn in the back of your closet, and those big “donation” bags sitting in the hallway that you never got around to dropping off. Load it up and bring it all over to the Greencycle Spring Cleaning Swap at the Greenpoint Public Library, and feel good about your stuff passing on to the next realm. You can even take stuff home too, if the absence of junk in your home leaves a hole in your heart.

Saturday, April 22, 2017, 12-3 PM
Greenpoint Library, 107 Norman Avenue (Leonard Street corner)

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