Antidote Apothecary + Tea Bar Grand Opening

Greenpoint’s first medicinal + culinary herb shop is opening today, coinciding with tonight’s lunar eclipse. Magic!

Apothecary Herb & Tea Bar Lunar Eclipse Party
200 Franklin Street, Suite 103 (Next to Moonlight Mile)
Friday September 16, 6-9pm
Enjoy an evening featuring:
-DIY Herbal Soda making workshop
-Freshly made Antidote Herbal Cordials, Lunar Eclipse Visionary Tea, Sodas, Sparkling Wine + Music
-Health Talks
-Class Sign-ups:
Herbs and Remedies for Winter Immunity
Bitters: The Lost Flavor Rediscovered
Better Skin with Herbs & Diet
Soul Jewelry, with Minerals and Plants
Visionary Herbs & Their History
Remedies Workshop with and for kids!
Kombucha Making Workshop
-Practitioner Meet And Greet

From owner Elizabeth: “Plants are the medicine for the people! We have lots of plans for contributing to the community including a free clinic day…but we’d love to hear what you think the community needs!”

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