Back in my single days I had no problem getting attention from women.

Didn’t even have to try, wearing pants that were two sizes too big, in order to feel comfortable after a large meal. Or a suede jacket in the pouring rain.

Women would stop and linger on me with their eyes. For some reason, it never turned into a date.

If you have the same problem, maybe what you need is to meet people in a sexually charged atmosphere. But sexy, not skeevy. Skeevy just feels predatory.

Avoiding skeevy this month, and leaving other seduction advice to the experts, here are some hot tips on the local scene. I’ll give you DJ’s playing vintage vinyl to accompany vintage X-rated movies. I’ve also got a lead on a local club with drag cabaret and less innocent offerings on tap in a same-sex friendly setting.

First up, the Sh-Boom! party hosted by Sheila B. of WFMU’s Sophisticated Boom Boom will take place at Our Wicked Lady in Bushwick on May 20th.

DJ’s will play music to the gyrations of Anna Copa Cabanna and hairy ’70s porno screen stars.

The event is free, but according to the event’s Facebook page, to be admitted “you must be over 21 and have loose morals.” It runs from 10 pm to 4 am.

For something closer to home — subway rides back to your place SO break the mood — tap your oars in the water at This N’ That in Williamsburg.

This month they’ve got drag bingo on Thursdays at 8, the Loaded Saturday party starting at 10, and drag cabaret each Monday at 11 pm.

Monday’s show carries no cover, and according to the club’s website the New York Times‘ critic described it as “the worst show I’ve ever seen.

For where this column may lead you next, I pass on a wise reminder from my 8th-grade sex-ed teacher:

Ethyl is not a lady, and Chlamydia is not a flower.

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