Transmitter Park
Transmitter Park

If you follow us on Instagram, you may have noticed that this week we have Greenpointer Edoardo Monti taking over our account. He’s also co-sponsoring the Greenpoint Instameet (part of Instagram’s Worldwide Instameet 13) with us at 6:30pm this Friday, April 22 at Greenpoint’s scenic Transmitter Park.

Greenpoint Instameet 2016What’s an Instameet? According to Instagram, “An InstaMeet is a group of Instagrammers meeting up to take photos and videos together. That’s it! An InstaMeet can happen anywhere and be any size. They’re a great opportunity to share tips and tricks with other community members in your area, and an excuse to get out and explore someplace new!”

The details:
Friday, April 22nd, meeting at 6:30pm at WNYC Transmitter Park – attendees should look out for silver mylar balloons.

The idea is to gather around, take a group photo at 7/7:05pm (sunset is at 7:42pm that night) and make new local Greenpoint friends. It’s an Earth Day-inspired Instameet, which is why we selected Transmitter Park. You can read a little more about the history of the unique space, former home to WNYC’s AM radio transmitter towers, here.

The hashtags for the event will be #LifeOnEarthWWIM13 (Instagram’s official one for the event) and #InstaMeetGreenpoint

Come find us there!

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