About 106 firefighters extinguished the Woops! Cafe fire last month. (Photo Credit Trevor Kapp)
Just over 100 firefighters extinguished the Woops! Cafe fire last month. (Photo Credit Trevor Kapp)

Join your neighbors and the Mayor’s Community Affairs tonight at St. Stan’s Academy on 12 Newell Street for an informative fire safety meeting, and sign up to get free smoke detectors/CO2 alarms and installation!

In the wake of a recent string of fires in Greenpoint, including one at Woops! Cafe and another at a home on Diamond Street,  fire safety should be a hot topic. After all, simple actions can prevent a devastating disaster.

According to statistics from the FDNY, “Seventy percent of fire deaths occur in homes with an inoperable smoke alarm or no smoke alarm present. The majority of the deaths are children and older adults.”

“Being aware of having working smoke detectors — checking your smoke detectors — is the number one thing people can do to save their life in a fire,” says FDNY Chaplain Ann Kansfield. “All of the other things pale in comparison.”

Other safety tips include obtaining substantial power adapters — and nixing those 99 cent store adapters. Be sure the equipment has the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Mark (see below). UL_Mark.svg

For further tips, check out FDNY’s Top Seven Fire Safety Rules, because simple safety awareness is the first step in disaster prevention. And sign up for those free smoke detectors (and free installation!) tonight at 6:30pm at 12 Newel Street.

Take it from Kansfield: “I love my neighbors in Greenpoint and really, really hope they will make sure to have a working smoke alarm.”

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