
Why a group show? Just Friends at Greenpoint’s M. Carter spaceĀ (141 Engert Ave) is a mix of small works by fifteen artists showing the shape-shifting looseness of group shows at a time when the white cube no longer distinguishes from the bricolage of the street. A poster on the window lists all of the brain storming suggestions for Ā titles before circling the final name at the bottom – an invitation to enter the gallery before the actual art inside demonstrates the real interaction of variety more than a statement ever can.

The visual theme here is loose, unambitious, reverie. No piece feels the need to promote itself. All energy and riff and no need to finish a sentence when the work next to it can do that for you,Ā FriendsĀ is a good example of the spark-to-hand immediacy of post movement art. Ā With shows in NY currently displaying Jim Shaw’s thrift store collection and Jean Dubuffet’s interest in “outsider” art, we can see here the new and natural feel that has moved past such distinctions. More feedback from the garage than symphonic melody from the concert hall, much art made in Brooklyn today conveys comfortable street slang.



On a second visit a rusty bike had appeared on the floor of the gallery. “Not part of the art, just something we found in the basement”. It fit in well. The “real” world riding in to join the kind of all inclusive show we like to see in Greenpoint.

This is the last weekend to catch the show so stop by today or tomorrow!

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