nuhartTime to talk about our favorite superfund Nuhart Plastics again.

Recent developments are underway to turn the festering superfund site into affordable luxury apartments. Disturbed at that thought? Chew on this: Beneath Nuhart’s property there is a 40,000 to 60,000 gallon pool of thick plastic phlalates deep enough to swim in and two large plumes of TCE (a volatile organic compound) SPREADING to nearby streets. All of these chemicals are considered hazardous to human health.

In the very near future these toxins will be unearthed and removed, and yes, we neighbors need to know how we will be affected. Come meet our new community advisor, and superfund guru, Dr.Peter deFur, this Monday night and find out what Nuhart’s clean-up means for residents in the upcoming months.


Nuhart Superfund Clean-up Community Meeting

Monday, July 27th

6:30 pm

Senior Center 80 Dupont St (entrance on Eagle St)

hosted by NAG & Councilman Levin’s Office

Join the Conversation


  1. I showed up late because of work, but caught the last hour or so. I didn’t want to chime in because I wasn’t sure what had been covered. Are the ripped up sidewalks related to the development? Will they be repaired? At whose expense?

    They managed to spin every question about cleanup as though they’d been doing it forever but the rezoning is rather new…AND this is a superfund site and one of the biggest oil spills in the country. they just kept talking about their own construction hazards. i walked away so upset i was hoping to hear about actual cleanup efforts but it sounds like they’re just going to build a castle on a pile of garbage and will leave the sewage transit and health concerns up to “other organizations that handle that.”

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