
A few months ago, Greenpointers were alarmed to hear that Nuhart Plastics on the corner of Dupont Street had been sold to a Chinese developer who plans on turning the site into residential condos. Many of us were familiar with Nuhart’s former life as a plastics plant, but a lot of Greenpointers did not realize the site is a Class-2 Superfund site complete with a phthalate plume.

According to the 2013 NuHart Plume map–which shows liquid plasticizers 5ft deep in some areas–the plume is in fact moving. With a recent study tying prenatal phthlate exposure to lower IQ’s and a host of other health issues, we should be very concerned and vigilant about what is happening at the Nuhart site.

Tonight at 6pm at the Dupont Senior Center  the Department of Environmental Conservation (the agency who is responsible for the Superfund’s oversight) will be briefing neighbors about Nuhart and any clean-up efforts that have been conducted in recent months. Also 0n hand will be Greenpoint Landing and 77 Commercial Street representatives giving their own brief updates on their mega developments.

If you have questions, concerns, or comments about the Nuhart plant or our new neighbors Greenpoint Landing & 77 Commercial Street–I know I sure do–then you’ll make it your business to attend tonight’s meeting at the Dupont Street Senior Center (entrance on Eagle Street) between 6-8pm.

For those you can’t make it tonight, Greenpointers will be providing folks with an update. Stay tuned for more details to come.




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  1. If THIS abandoned plastics factory has indeed left us with
    a toxic plume
    someone should certainly investigate the potential for similar toxic spills at two OTHER large and defunct plastic factory sites in Greenpoint:
    1, at the corner of Box/Ash streets and McGuiness blvd.
    2, at the corner of Noble/Calyer streets and Franklin street
    (where they have build an “expo” center on that entire site).

    1. Stan,

      Are you referring to the corner lot across the street from the Box St Hotel? I noticed a few months ago they had a workstop order which I suspect had something to do with improper remediation–not confirmed though. Anytime a construction site has No Smoking signs outside you know there is some form of gas/toxic vapor remediation or excavation happening. I witnessed this at 55 Wythe Ave which used to be an gas transfer station: http://therealdeal.com/blog/2014/12/22/zelig-weiss-gets-81m-loan-for-level-hotel-project/

      The smell was so toxic I literally almost fainted while I was inquiring about the fumes with the supposed foreman. Scary shit is happening at these construction sites. That’s why it’s so important we need to stay on top these developments.

      Thanks for sharing. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s Nuhart update.

  2. Please do post a recap of the meeting if possible, I know many people who wanted to be there but heard about it too late or weren’t able to show up. This issue is extremely important and concerning to anyone who lives In this area.

    Thank you Kim!!!

  3. A “monitoring well” was left open on the sidewalk right outside the playground on Franklin St and Dupont St. The workers had just finished checking elevation of the toxicity underground. We noticed it when my 3 year old lifted the cover and handed me the screw. A frightening start to this whole cleanup. I am not sure who to report this to. I called 311 and he couldn’t do anything without a numbered street address which I don’t think there is.

    1. Hi Alison,

      Yikes! That’s alarming. First, call and report it to 311. There needs to be a record of the incident filed with the city and the Office of Remediation. The address for testing well found at the Greenpoint Playground is 238 Franklin St. Stress this well is across the street from the State Superfund site Nuhart Plastics–address 40 Dupont St. Make sure you tell the operator Nuhart is a “Class 2” State Superfund site.

      I would also contact Jane O’Connell at the DEC. She is the one overseeing Nuhart. (718)482-4599 email–[email protected]

      Thanks for sharing. Hope this gets you to the right people.

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