Graffitied cassette tapes line the wall on the way up the stairway to 603 ©Gustavo Ponce

“Oooh, what’s 603?”, you ask. Well, it’s absolutely not The Silent Barn; let’s just get that straight right now. 603 Bushwick Avenue is the fun house that is the collective of apartments directly above The Silent Barn. And, from noon on May 2nd to noon the next day, 603 served as the venue for a 24-hour endurance live music/reading/fundraising/karaoke/yoga/baptism/food and book drive event. I’m sure I’m missing a few forward slashes, too. Funds were raised for The Justice Committee and the Maryland Food Bank.

Overall, it was one of the most friendly, creative, optimistic, life-embracing, and least pretentious events that I’ve attended in a city that far too often leans toward the cynical or jaded. No corner of the residence was left a blank canvas. To be honest, it was so warm and fuzzy that I didn’t quite know how to handle it. Anyway, I’ll let the pictures paint the rest of the picture.

Follow the art ©Gustavo Ponce
Follow the art ©Gustavo Ponce
​The door to one of the apartments at 603 ©Gustavo Ponce
​The door to one of the apartments at 603 ©Gustavo Ponce
Hosts Megan (Gryffindor) and Emily (Ravenclaw) ©Gustavo Ponce
Hosts Megan (Gryffindor) and Emily (Ravenclaw) ©Gustavo Ponce
The schedule: "1:00 KARAOKE", "7:45 emma gets baptized", "9:00 yoga" ©Gustavo Ponce
The schedule: “1:00 KARAOKE”, “7:45 emma gets baptized”, “9:00 yoga” ©Gustavo Ponce
Hosts Noah, Emily, Megan and Liz. Noah ran the sound for pretty much the entire thing. ©Gustavo Ponce
Hosts Noah, Emily, Megan and Liz. Noah ran the sound for pretty much the entire thing. ©Gustavo Ponce
Zachary Pruitt ©Gustavo Ponce
Zachary Pruitt ©Gustavo Ponce
Peace Arrow ©Gustavo Ponce
Peace Arrow ©Gustavo Ponce
Look closely—Time Isn't Real ©Gustavo Ponce
Look closely—Time Isn’t Real ©Gustavo Ponce
Jenn Pelly interviewing Big Ups ©Gustavo Ponce
Jenn Pelly interviewing Big Ups ©Gustavo Ponce
Big Ups ©Gustavo Ponce
Big Ups ©Gustavo Ponce
Downies closing the show at 11:00 a.m. ©Gustavo Ponce
Downies closing the show at 11:00 a.m. ©Gustavo Ponce
The celebratory few nearing the end of the 24 hours just before the scheduled 11:30 am "screaming into the void while popping bottles of champagne and streamers." ©Gustavo Ponce
The celebratory few nearing the end of the 24 hours just before the scheduled 11:30 am “screaming into the void while popping bottles of champagne and streamers.” ©Gustavo Ponce
THE END ©Gustavo Ponce


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