© AP

We have some big issues in NYC to think about after the failure to indict the police offer who killed Eric Garner.

Lighting the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree is a celebration of our city and there was nothing to celebrate yesterday.When I posted about the protests there on Facebook last night, someone commented, “What does this have to do with Greenpoint?” Eric Garner is a New Yorker. And NYC police officers patrol 11222. Enough said.

If you feel so inclined to demonstrate, our favorite local activist Emily Gallagher sent us these tips:



* Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee #STAYTURNT
Meet in Sarah D. Roosevelt Park on Houston bet. Forsyth & Chrystie at 7pm

* #ThisStopsNow #ChangetheNYPD
Foley Square at 5:30pm

* Union Square at 7pm

Text to 23559 & write @NYC2Ferguson for updates

Here is a hand card from NYCLU to print out and keep.

Things to know & bring:
* Bottle of Water
* A hoodie (if you are concerned about profiling) a scarf or knit hat (to cover your eyes if pepper spray)
* A snack
* Dress in layers
* Bring a friend and keep your eye on them so that you have an advocate if you get in trouble
* Stay away from pens (the metal barriers) that might get closed around you
* Keep gaps closed in the group so that cars can’t separate protesters or box you in
* Be aware of your rights and how to speak to cops in case you get in trouble

#ericgarner #indictamerica #blacklivesmatter

Here are photos via Gothamist of protesters around the city after the Eric Garner decision.

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