Bakeri treats going down a storm. Photos by Rosie de Belgeonne

The fifth annual Taste Williamsburg Greenpoint event happened on Sunday and it could not have been a better day for it.Brilliant sunshine, smiling faces, great music, totally manageable lines (mostly you just had to hover for a moment before getting a taste of something incredible) and best of all a whole load of ABSOLUTELY AMAZING FOOD AND DRINK!

All stall-holders were contributing their goodies for free to benefit the The Northside Town Hall Community and Cultural Center and they certainly pulled out all the stops to wow the crowds with their top-notch fare.

There were WAY too many fantastic treats to mention them all, but here’s photographic evidence of some of the highlights.


1. Brisket Sliders with Watermelon and Feta from Extra Fancy


2. Totally addictive ice-cream from Greenpoint’s own Phin and Phebes


3. Amazing Tacos from Brooklyn Taco Co (available at the newly re-opened Donna)


4. Oysters (and absinthe cocktails) from Maison Premiere


5. Free-flowing wine from Brooklyn Winery


6. Fennel and Rosemary Roasted Pig Sandwich  from Aurora Ristorante


7. Heavenly Carrot Cake with Mascarpone frosting from Antica Pesa


8. Soaking up the sun and some Rough Trade tunes


9. Palm Hearts with Anchovies and Almonds from Fat Goose


10. Spin the wheel, win a prize with East River Ferry!


11. A ticket for a taste


12. Beer from Brooklyn Brewery keeping up hydration levels

The afternoon was a terrific way to soak up the last rays of summer, sample some astonishingly good food from local restaurants, and help nudge the Northside Town Hall fundraising drive ever closer to its goal for completion.

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