It’s a momentous day for Greenpointers. Today we bring you the outcome of our first ever Love Bites in Greenpoint blind date!!

This week’s couple are Dean, 34 and Bryony, 27. We hand-picked them from dozens of applicants and we’re mighty glad we chose them to start the series off because it turns out they are both awesome!

The pair met for their blind date at Adelina’s (159 Greenpoint Ave), our favorite local Italian. The wine was free-flowing and the food was to die for but, at the end of the evening, was there romance in the air?

34, IT Director
Playing guitar, writing, surfing.

Have you ever been on a blind date before?
Yes, but nothing quite this blind.

Were you nervous before the date?
I wasn’t nervous until about five minutes before she arrived, when I started wondering what I’d got myself into. I relaxed by chatting to the bartender and reading the latest issue of WG. I had just finished reading their interviews with dogs about global warming when she walked in…

What were your first impressions?
She had a lovely face and wore a smart dress and spoke with a foreign accent. She was very friendly and personable and went right along with the inherent awkwardness of the scene. I admitted to being a little nervous and she promptly told me I was doing just fine, which was such a nice gesture that I couldn’t help being a little charmed.

What did you talk about? Did you have much in common?
We talked about our families, our work and then dove head first into a conversation that straddled personal life philosophy and the state of the world at large.  We both love to read and even like some of the same literature.  And she mentioned a book about habits that I’m going to pick up.

What did you have to eat/drink?
Holy cow, the food at Adelina’s is fantastic. We agreed on the cheese plate as a starter and we both ordered the same entrée: lobster ravioli and the kale salad. Both were delicious. The waitress was very pleasant and took excellent care of us.

Did your date have good table manners?
Yes, for sure, but this was a date and ideally isn’t such a formal thing. We were both taught absurdly proper table manners when we were kids, as it turns out. We knew how to let our manners slip gracefully, a trait I really admire in other people.

Describe Bryony in three words.
Enlightened. Friendly. Confident.

Was there a spark between you?
I honestly don’t know. There was a moment where I thought I saw her eyes twinkle at me, and there were plenty of times she could have been reading pages from my inner dialogue. That made me feel really understood and like a total champ. I didn’t get the vibe that she was that into me though, and that’s perfectly ok.

Did you go on anywhere afterwards?
Nope. I walked her to her street.

Did you, um…kiss?

Would you meet again?
Sure, if she wanted to. Spark or not, I thought she was a cool lady.

Highlight of evening?
Either when she ordered a rosé for us to share or the way she spoke about her father.

Lo-light of evening?
Dating is hard.

Verdict / Marks out of 10 for the evening
I’d say the evening was a solid 10. My date was lovely. No one got injured. The food and service was great. It didn’t proceed in that rom-com way that maybe everyone wants sometimes, but who cares as long as you have a good time, right?

27, works in marketing.
Likes: Tea, clean sheets, pineapple.

Have you ever been on a blind date before?

Were you nervous before the date?
I was running late from work so I didn’t have too much time to think! I suppose I was a little nervous – dating can be so tricky!

What were your first impressions?
Honestly, the first thing I noticed were his red socks! And he was reading the paper (not his phone) which is always a good sign.

What did you talk about…did you have much in common?
We talked about everything from surfing to spirit animals – there were a lot of differences but definite shared opinion on politics. I liked it a lot that there was not too much “what do you do” type of conversation. I felt like Dean really wanted to know my opinions and appreciated them.

What did you have to eat/drink?
Kale salad with pecorino (perfect with the rosé that Dean let me select!), an amazing lobster ravioli, and a cheese selection. The cheese was incredibly good, honestly, even the smelly cheese was delicious – and I never thought of it but cheese is a great conversation piece!!

Did your date have good table manners?
Yes, excellent table manners and a true gentleman (allowed me to order first, gave me the chair with its back to the wall etc.).

Describe Dean in three words.
This is a hard question. Dean is very interesting and has opinions which he does not force on people (a wonderful quality in my mind). I would say: spiritual, gentle, and a keen surfer.

Was there a spark between you?
Dean really was great…we shared emails and hopefully will go surfing. If nothing more I made a lovely new friend.

Did you go on anywhere afterwards?

So, did you kiss?
We didn’t.

Would you meet again?
Yes, absolutely. Dean was one of the most interesting people I have met in a long time.

Highlight of evening?
The whole evening was lovely. I know that sounds so boring, but I mean it.

Lo-light of evening?
I can’t pick a definite low – I suppose the venue was quite intimate which put a little pressure on both of us when we didn’t know each other at first – maybe that is a good thing though! The lady at Adelina’s was very nice and relaxed, which definitely removed some of the awkwardness early on!

Verdict / Marks out of 10 for the evening
7-8 . I will be catching up with Dean again and I want to go back to Adelina’s for more kale and ravioli.


Awww, thank you Bryony and Dean for being our first Love Bites in Greenpoint couple!

And HUGE thanks to Adelina’s for their generosity in hosting the date.
Adelina’s is a cozy local Italian restaurant and wine bar with a notable selection of delicious vegetarian options. They are open every night for drinks and dinner and they also offer an exceptional weekend brunch.

Would you like to be sent on a Love Bites blind date? Want to get in on an opportunity for a romantic match, a free dinner AND an amazing illustration of yourself by our very own Libby Vander Ploeg?


And if you are a local bar or restaurant who would like to host a Love Bites date, drop us a line at [email protected]

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