Head on over to your nearest swimmin' hole, 'cause all 55 New York City pools open today.

A 21-year-old jumped off the Kent and N. 1st Street pier around 5am on Thursday and was immediately carried away by the current. Police are continuing to search the water for him. Although the East River often looks calm, it has deceivingly fast moving currents and swiftly changing tides that can push swimmers north at a rapid rate of approx. 1.5 nautical mph.

The recent White Lung show at St. Vitus witnessed a pretty epic mosh pit, complete with beer throwing, flower smashing, and some “undirected air punches” from the crowd.

Is it sacrilegious to convert your local historic church into a condo? WNYC & DNA Info investigate. See St. Vincent De Paul on North 6th, which is now the “Spire Lofts.”

Bushwick is becoming home to too many bars, according to the local Community board that wants to prevent the neighborhood from becoming an all hours party zone.

Speaking of parties, NYC PRIDE is this weekend. Check out the schedule.  And if that’s not enough excitement for you, all 55 NYC public pools open today.

The co-founder of Five Leaves is opening a sister restaurant in downtown L.A.’s brand new Ace Hotel.  And with a Stumptown coffee bar inside the restaurant (complete with baristas spinning vinyl), you won’t even realize you left Brooklyn.

Say what you will about VICE’s content, but the Williamsburg-based media company’s stakes are currently being fought over by Time Warner, Disney, and Rupert Murdoch/FOX (who already owns some shares). VICE is currently valued at $1.5 to $2.5 billion. I guess articles about eating your own semen really do pay…

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